
Thoughts and things I learned from my professional work as a freelance consultant and my journey as an indie hacker.

If you haven't lived under a rock, you might have noticed that "building an audience" is currently quite the rage on Maker Twitter. The gist is that you build your personal audience and/ or immerse in an existing group first, then you find a problem, then you build a solution. This is a variation of...

How do you want to treat your users and customers? As grown-ups and your job is to get their job done? Or do you think you need to guide them step by step? Agreed, this is more like a rhetorical question (to me). The thing is, that the former is either amazing when experienced or so good that you do...

The basic idea is that you use existing products to find validated ideas and improve upon the product itself or a certain feature set.

The sources I'm covering down below give you data on demand, monetization, and execution:

  • Demand: what products top a market?
  • Monetization: what are customer...

If you want to read a great overview about curation and opportunities that arise from this, let it be Infobesity: the splendour and misery of curation overload from Marie Dollé. If you're not subscribed to her newsletter In Bed With Social yet, do so now. Go ahead. I'll wait here.


It's not always all digital when it comes to creating a side business. Why not sell physical products?

I know, I know. Selling shirts/ stuff with prints is a Red Ocean. So what? Find a niche you can sell to and you have the chance to have a decent passive income. Yes, T-Shirt Sales Isn't Profit...

When looking for business ideas, you can follow trends, analyze data sets, unbundle existing offers, look at social media channels to find demand, and many more. You can conduct customer interviews, build an audience, or read dozens of newsletters. Or you can just go batshit crazy and follow that we...

This week's special is for both programmers and not-yet-programmers. For the former, you may discover tools you did not know yet or find an underserved niche. For the latter, I hope you discover that coding is not that hard and there's a plethora of components you can pick from to build your product...

Personally, I don't watch a lot of football or even play it. For the sake of finding product opportunities, this can be both beneficial (unbiased view) and obstructing (missing insights.) So I try something like a "visual journey", starting on the playing field. From there I move outward, describing...

Google Play is closing in on 3 million apps, Apples' App Store is almost at 2 million. That's a tough space to get noticed. On the other hand, there's a lot of money to be earned on consumer spending and ad revenue. Find current data in this selected report: Global Consumer Spending in Mobile Apps ...

From What Is a Side Hustle? Definition of Side Hustle, Examples, Benefits of Side Hustles, and More: A side hustle is any type of employment undertaken in addition to one’s full-time job. A side hustle is generally freelance or piecework in nature, providing a supplemental income. Side hustles are...